Choosing An Installation Option

There are several installation options available for both sole practitioners as well as entire practices. You should note that even if you are a sole practitioner you should read the installation options for a practice as you may still be interested in installing on to mulitple computers and keeping your data synchronised.


Encryption & Security

Please Note: all your files are fully encrypted and all identifying data is fully encrypted. This is true for all computers at your practice and your data in the cloud. All data is accessed in the cloud using an encrypted channel. Access to certain data can be fully controlled using the security permissions in the application.


Installation Options For Sole Practitioners (Single Computer Only)

The following options apply to installations which are for a single computer only. You may still find the multiple computer installation options interesting in the 'Installation Options For A Practice' section.


Installation Options For A Practice (Multiple Computers)

These installation options apply for a multi-practitioner scenario in a practice, and also for a sole practitioner wanting to install on to several computers and keep them automatically synchronised.